Collection: Bad Advice - A Love Story, Sorta (Oba, Oya, Oshun & Shango)

Bad Advice - A Love Story, Sorta...  Oba, Oya, Oshun & Shango    (digital A.I. art)

Oya was his "ride or die" and Oshun was his fresh, young boo. Oba fulfilled Shango's need for stability and nourishment but, she wanted to be more than that.

Some people say she asked Oya, others say she asked Oshun (yellow hearts). What matters is that Oba (pink hearts) went to her rivals for advice on how she could get Shango (red heart with ax) to pay more attention to her.

She was told to slip a piece of her ear in his food because he would not be able to resist "having her in him".  He thought she was doing witchcraft on him and kicked her out his life!

Bad Advice!
(Ogbe Ose)

Bad Advice - A Love Story, Sorta (Oba, Oya, Oshun & Shango)