The Artwork
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Each watercolor painting represents spiritual concepts or stories (known in the diaspora as Patakí) of the African Traditional Religions and the way this spirituality manifests in the diaspora through the Afrocuban Santería, Lukumí and Spiritism practices as well as the way these continue to be practiced on Motherland of West Africa as Isese.
Click on each painting to reveal the collection of products with that image.
Purchase and wear the Pataki you feel most identified with! Enjoy!
Anjaneen Collection
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Esu Maelstrom
An upgraded version of the painting Esu Chaos which depicts a story...
Warrior Crew (WC)
Warrior Crew (WC) (The Warriors aka Los Guerreros)During the reshuffling of African people...
Yewa -Broken Promise
Yewa -Broken Promise Obatala's daughter, Yewa, was set apart for religious work...
We're Okay - Abikú Children of Irona
We're Okay - Abiku Children of Irona (Watercolor)The Iyaami or Elders of the Night -represented here by...
Amor Toxico
Amor Toxico(The crazy toxic love story between Oshun and Orunmila found in Ogbe...
Egun (My Family Cloth)
Egun - The Family Cloth - All of the ancestors who came...
Lucky Meriye Collection
No one is luckier than Meriye who only needs to harvest one...
Ogun Speaks
* ALL sales are final. When Ogun Speaks (Watercolor)Whether it is true or...
My YouTube Channel where I talk in-depth about each painting. @ArteAbukenke
EsuBi & Other Collections
EsuBi - Arte Abukenke
The EsuBi means "Esu Birthed This..." and can also mean "Esu, the...
Men's Clothes
Orisa Inspired Wearable Art Anjaneen Men's Clothes * ALL sales are...